This is a list of Latin words with derivatives in English (and other modern languages).
Ancient orthography did not distinguish between i and j or between u and v. Many modern works distinguish u from v but not i from j. In this article both distinctions are shown as they are helpful when tracing the origin of English words. See also Latin spelling and pronunciation.
Contents |
The citation form for nouns (the one normally shown in Latin dictionaries) is the Latin nominative singular, but this typically does not exhibit the root form from which English nouns are generally derived.
Latin nouns and adjectives | |||
Citation form | Declining stem | Meaning | English derivatives |
acer | acer- | maple | aceric |
acer | acr- | sharp | acrid, acrimony |
acerbus | acerb- | bitter | acerbic, acerbity, exacerbate |
acervus | acerv- | heap | acervate, acervose |
acētum | acēt- | vinegar | acetic |
acus | acu- | needle | acuity, acumen, acute |
adversus | advers- | set against, hostile | adverse, adversity, adversary |
aedificium | aedifici- | building | edifice |
aequus | aequ-, -iqu- | even, level | adequate, equality, equity, iniquity |
aes | aer- | ore | |
aevum | aev- | age, eon | eviternal, longevity, mediaeval, primaeval |
ager | agr-, -egr- | field | agriculture, peregrine |
alacer | alacr- | quick | alacrity |
albus | alb- | white | albarium, albedo, albino, album, albumen |
alius | ali- | other | alias, alibi, alien |
anima | anim- | soul, life | animal, animate |
animus | anim- | mind, anger | animosity |
annus | ann- | year | annual, annuity |
ānser | ānser- | goose | anserine |
aqua | aqu- | water | aquamarine, aquarium, aquatic, aqueduct, aquifer |
aquila | aquil- | eagle | aquiline |
arbor | arbor- | tree | arboreal, arboretum |
ars | art- | art, skill | artifact, artificial |
asinus | asin- | donkey | asinine |
audāx | audāc- | brave, bold | audacious, audacity |
auris | aur- | ear | aural, auricle |
aurum | aur- | gold | aureate |
avis | avi- | bird | Aves, avian, aviary |
bellum | bell- | war | antebellum, bellicose, belligerence, rebellion |
bellus | bell- | pretty | embellish |
bestia | besti- | animal | bestial, bestiary |
bini | bin- | two each | binary, combination |
bonus – melior – optimus |
bon- – melior- – optim- |
good – better – best |
bonus – ameliorate – optimal, optimist |
bōs | bov- | cow, ox | bovine |
bracchium | brac- | arm, support | embrace, braces, bracelet |
brevis | brev- | brief, short | brevity |
butyrum | butyr- | butter | butyric |
calx | calc- -culc- |
heel | inculcate |
calx | calc- | limestone, pebble | calciform, calculus, calculation |
canis | can- | dog | canid, canine |
caper | capr- | goat | caprine |
capillus | capill- | hair | capillaries |
caput | capit- | head | cape, capital, decapitation |
cardo | cardin- | hinge | cardinal |
caro | carn- | flesh | carnage, carnal, carnivore, incarnate |
catena | caten- | chain | catenary, catenative |
cauda | caud-, cod- | tail | caudal, coda |
causa | caus-, -cus- | accusative, causal | |
cavus | cav- | hollow | cave, cavity, concave |
centum | cent- | hundred | centennial |
cera | cer- | wax | ceraceous |
certus | cert- | certain | certiorari, certitude |
cervīx | cervīc- | neck | cervical, cervix |
cinis | ciner- | ashes | cinereous, cinerin, incinerator |
cīvis | cīv- | citizen | civil, civilian, civility |
clāvicula | clāvicul- | little key | clavicle |
clavis | clav- | key | clavier |
clemens | clement- | mild | clemency, inclement |
collum | coll- | neck | collar |
cor | cord- | heart | accord, concordat, cordial, courage, discord |
corbis | corb- | basket | corb, corf |
cornū | corn- | horn | Capricorn, cornucopia, unicorn |
corpus | corpor- | body | corporal, corporeal, corpulent, corpuscle |
corvus | corv- | raven | corbel, corvine |
coxa | cox- | hip | coxal |
cras | cras- | tomorrow | procrastinate |
crassus | crass- | thick | crass, crassitude |
creta | cret- | chalk | cretaceous |
crimen | crimin- | criminal | |
crux | cruc- | cross | crucial, crucifix, crucify |
culina | culin- | kitchen | culinary |
cuneus | cune- | wedge | cuneate, cuneiform |
cura | cur- | care | cure, curious |
curtus | curt- | shortened | curt |
cuspis | cuspid- | tip | bicuspid |
damnum | damn- -demn- |
harm | condemn, damage, damnation, indemnity |
decem | decem- | ten | decemfid, decempedal, decemviri |
decimus | decim- | tenth | decimal, decimate |
decus | decor- | decorous, decorum | |
dens | dent- | tooth | dental, dentifrice, denture, indent, trident |
deus | de- | god | deification, deity |
dexter | dextr- | right | dexterous, dextral |
diēs | diē- | day | diary, quotidian |
digitus | digit- | finger, toe | digit, digital |
dignus | dign- | worthy | condign, dignity |
discipulus | discipul- | student | disciple |
dominus | domin- | lord | domain, dominate, dominion |
domus | dom- | house | domestic, domicile |
dos | dot- | dowry | dotal, dotation |
duo | du- | two | duality, duplex |
equus | equ- | horse | equestrian, equine |
faber | fabr- | fabric | |
falx | falc- | sickle | falcate, falciform |
fames | fam- | hunger | famine, famished |
fanum | fan- | temple | profanity |
fauces | fauc-, -foc- | throat | faucal, suffocate |
fēlēs | fēl- | cat | feline |
fēlix | fēlic- | happy | felicity, felicitations |
fēmina | fēmin- | woman | effeminate, femininity |
femur | femor- | thigh | femoral, femur |
fenestra | fenestr- | window | defenestration |
ferox | feroc- | fierce | ferocious, ferocity |
ferrum | ferr- | iron | ferrite, ferrous |
ferus | fer- | wild | feral, ferine |
fides | fid- | faith | confidence, infidel, infidelity, perfidy |
fīlia fīlius |
fīli- | daughter son |
affiliation, filial |
filum | fil- | thread | bifilar, filament |
fīnis | fīn- | end, limit | affine, affinity, confines, definition, final, infinity, infinitive |
firmus | firm- | firm | confirm, firmament |
fiscus | fisc- | basket | confiscation, fiscal |
flavus | flav- | yellow | flavin, flavivirus |
flōs | flōr- | flower | floral, floriferous, florist, floruit |
focus | foc- | hearth | bifocal, focal |
foedus | foeder- | confederation, federal | |
folium | foli- | leaf | defoliant, foliage, folio, folivore, portfolio |
fons | font- | font, fontal, fontanelle | |
foris | for- | outdoors | foreclose, foreign, forest, forum |
fōrma | fōrm- | form, shape | deform, formal, formative, formula, information |
formica | formic- | ant | formic |
formus | form- | warm | |
fornix | fornic- | vault | forniciform |
fors | fort- | luck | fortuitous, fortune |
fortis | fort- | strength | effort, fortify, fortitude |
frāter | frātr- | brother | fraternal, fraternity, fratricide |
fraus | fraud- | fraud | defraud, fraudulent |
frequens | frequent- | often | frequency, frequentative |
frōns | front- | forehead | affront, confront, front, frontal |
frūx | frūg- | fruit | frugal |
fūmus | fūm- | smoke | fume, fumigation |
fundus | fund- | bottom | fundamental, profundity |
fungus | fung- | mushroom | fungal, fungicide |
funis | fun- | rope | funicular |
fuscus | fusc- | dark | obfuscation |
gens | gent- | gentile, gentility, gentle | |
genu | genu- | knee | genuflection |
genus | gener- | birth, offspring, creation | general, generation, generic, generous, genuine |
glacies | glaci- | ice | glacial, glacier |
gladius | gladi- | sword | gladiator, gladiolus |
gluten | glutin- | glue | agglutination, glutinous |
granum | gran- | grain | granary, granule |
gravis | grav- | heavy | gravid, gravitation, gravity |
grex | greg- | flock, herd | congregation, gregarious |
grossus | gross- | thick | gross |
gula | gul- | gullet, gully | |
gurges | gurgit- | regurgitate | |
gustus | gust- | taste | disgust, gustatory, gusto |
guttur | guttur- | throat | guttural |
herba | herb- | grass | herbaceous, herbal, herbicide |
hibernus | hibern- | hibernacle, hibernal | |
hiems | hiem- | winter | hiemal |
homō | homin- | man (human being) | homicide, hominid |
hortus | hort- | garden | cohort, horticulture |
hostis | host- | enemy | hostile |
humus | hum- | ground | humiliate, humility |
ignis | ign- | fire | igneous, ignite, ignition |
inguen | inguin- | groin | inguinal |
īnsula | īnsul- | island | insular, insulate, peninsula |
iocus jocus |
joc- | jest | jocular, joke |
iūdex judex |
iūdic- | judge | judge, judicial, judiciary, adjudicate |
iugum jugum |
iug- | yoke | conjugal, conjugate |
iūs | iūr- | right, law | abjure, conjure, justice, jurisdiction |
iuvenis juvenis |
juven- | young | juvenile |
labia | labi- | lip | labial |
labor | labor- | toil | elaboration, laborious |
lac | lact- | milk | lactate, lactic, lactose |
lacrima | lacrim- | tear | lachrymose |
lapis | lapid- | stone | dilapidate, lapidary |
lassus | lass- | lassitude | |
latex | latic- | liquid | laticifer |
latus | lat- | broad, wide | latifoliate, latitude |
latus | later- | side | collateral, lateral |
laus | laud- | praise | laud, laudable, Lauds |
laxus | lax- | loose | laxity, relax |
lenis | leni- | gentle | leniency |
lens | lent- | lentil | lenticel, lenticular |
lentus | lent- | lentic, relent | |
leo | leon- | lion | leonine |
lepus | lepor- | hare | leporid, leporine |
levis | lev- | light (weight) | levity, relieve |
lēx | lēg- | law | alleged, legal, legislation, privilege |
liber | liber- | free | liberal |
liber | libr- | book | library |
libra | libr- | balance, scales | equilibrium |
lignum | lign- | wood | ligneous, lignite |
limbus | limb- | edge | limbate, limbic, limbo |
linea | line- | line | collinear, linearity |
lingua | lingu- | tongue | bilingual, lingua franca, linguistics, multilingual |
lira | lir- | furrow | delirium |
littera | litter- | letter | alliteration, literary, literature |
locus | loc- | place | locality, locative |
longus | long- | long | elongate, longitude, oblong, prolong |
lucrum | lucr- | lucrative, lucre | |
lumen | lumin- | light | luminary, luminous |
lūna | lūn- | Moon | lunar, lunate, lunatic |
lupus | lup- | wolf | lupine |
lux | luc- | light | Lucifer, luciferous |
macula | macul- | spot | immaculate, macula, macular, macule |
magister | magistr- | master | magisterial, magistrate |
magnus – māior – maximus |
magn- – māior- – maxim- |
big, great – bigger – biggest |
magnate, magnitude – majority – maximum |
malus – peior – pessimus |
mal- – peior- – pessim- |
bad – worse – worst |
malevolence, malice, malignant – pejorative – pessimist |
manus | manu- | hand | manual, manuscript |
mare | mar- | sea | marine, mariner, maritime, ultramarine |
Mars | marti- | Mars | martial, Martian |
māter | mātr- | mother | material, maternal, maternity, matrimony, matrix, matron, matter |
medius | medi- | middle | media, median, medieval, medium, intermediate, immediate, mediocre |
mel | mell- | honey | mellifluent |
memor | memor- | mindful | commemorate, memoir, memorial, memory |
menda | mend- | blemish | emend |
mens | ment- | mind | mental |
merus | mer- | pure | mere |
miles | milit- | soldier | militant, military, militia |
mille | mill- | thousand | millennium, millipede |
modus | mod- | modal | |
mollis | moll- | soft | emollient |
mora | mor- | delay | moratorium |
morbus | morb- | sickness | morbid, morbidity |
mors | mort- | death | mortal, rigor mortis |
mortuus | mort- | dead | mortuary, moribund, morgue |
mos | mor- | custom | morality, mores |
multus – plus |
mult- – plur- |
many – more |
multitude plurality |
mulus | mul- | mule | mular |
mundus | mund- | world | mundane |
murus | mur- | wall | mural |
mus | mur- | mouse | murine |
nasus | nas- | nose | nasal |
navis | nav- | ship | naval |
neuter | neutr- | neither | neutral |
niger | nigr- | black | denigrate |
nihil | nihil- | nothing | nil, nihilism, annihilate |
nodus | nod- | knot | nodal, nodule |
nomen | nomin- | name | ignominy, nominal, nominative, postnominal, trinominal |
nonageni | nonagen- | ninety each | nonagenarian, nonagenary |
nōnus | non- | ninth | nonary, None |
norma | norm- | carpenter's square | enormous, norm, normal, normative |
novus | nov- | new | innovative, novelty, novice |
nox | noct- | night | equinox, nocturnal |
nudus | nud- | naked | denude, nudity |
numerus | numer- | number | enumerate, innumerable, numeracy, numeral, numerator, numerous |
octāvus | octav- | eighth | octaval, octave |
octō | oct- | eight | octal, octangular, octennial, octuple |
octōni | octon- | eight each | octonary, octonion |
oculus | ocul- | eye | inoculation, ocular |
omen | omin- | ominous | |
omnis | omn- | all | omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, omnivore |
onus | oner- | burden, load | exonerate, onerous, onus |
opacus | opac- | shady | opacity |
ops | op- | copious, opulent | |
opus | oper- | work | opera, operose, opuscule |
orbis | orb- | ring | orb, orbit |
ordo | ordin- | order | ordinal, ordinance, ordinary, ordination |
os | or- | mouth | oral, orifice |
os | oss- | bone | ossify, ossuary |
otium | oti- | leisure | negotiate, otiose |
ovis | ov- | sheep | ovine |
ovum | ov- | egg | oval, ovary, oviposition, ovule, ovum |
palus | pal- | stake | impale, pale |
par | par- | equal | comparative, comparator, disparity, parile, parity, peer |
paries | pariet- | wall | parietal |
pars | part- | piece | compartment, departure, partial, particle |
parvus | parv- | small | parvovirus |
passer | passer- | sparrow | passerine |
pater | patr- | father | paternal, paternity, patrimony, patron, perpetrate |
paucus | pauc- | few | paucal, paucity |
pavīmentum | pavīment- | ground | pavement |
pax | pac- | peace | pacific, pacify |
pectus | pector- | chest | pectoral |
pēs | ped- | foot | biped, expedient, expedition, impediment, pedal, pedestrian, pedicure |
pestis | pest- | pest | pesticide, pestiferous, pestilence |
pinna | pinn- | feather | pen, pinnate, pinniped |
pinnaculum | pinnac- | gable/peak | pinnacle |
pirus | pir- | pear | piriform |
piscis | pisc- | fish | pisces, pisciform, piscine |
planta | plant- | sole | plantar |
planus | plan- | flat | planar, plane |
platea | plate- | place | placement |
plebs | pleb- | common people | plebian |
plenus | plen- | full | plenary, plenitude, plenum |
pluma | plum- | feather | plumage |
pluvia | pluvi- | rain | pluvial |
pondus | ponder- | weight | ponderous, pound, preponderance |
pons | pont- | bridge | pontine, pontoon |
porcus | porc- | pig | porcine |
porta | port- | gate | porch, portal, portico |
prandium | prandi- | lunch | prandial, preprandial |
pravus | prav- | crooked | depravity |
pretium | preti- | price | depreciation, precious |
prex | prec- | prayer | preces |
prior – prīmus |
prior- – prīm- |
former – first |
priority – primal, primary, prime, primer |
privus | priv- | own | privacy, private |
probus | prob- | probable, probation, probative, probity, reprobate | |
proprius | propri- | proper | appropriate, propriety |
prunus | prun- | plum | prune |
pulcher | pulchr- | beautiful | pulchritude |
pulmo | pulmon- | lung | pulmonary |
pulvis | pulver- | dust, powder | pulverize |
punctum | punct- | point | contrapuntal, punctual, punctuation |
purus | pur- | pure | impurity, purity |
pus | pur- | pus | purulent |
quadrini | quadrin- | four each | quadrin |
quadrum | quadr- | square | quadrate, quadratic, quadrature |
quartus | quart- | fourth | quartal, quartan, quartic |
quaterni | quatern- | four each | quaternary, quaternion |
quintus | quint- | fifth | quintal, quintan, quintessence, quintic |
radius | radi- | ray, spoke | radial, radian |
radix | radic- | root | eradicate, radical, radicand |
ramus | ram- | branch | ramification, ramose |
remus | rem- | oar | bireme, quinquereme |
rēn | ren- | kidney | adrenal, renal |
res | re- | thing | reality |
rete | ret- | net | reticulate, retiform, retina |
rēx | rēg- | king | regal, regent |
ripa | rip- | bank | riparian |
ritus | rit- | rite | ritual |
rivus | riv- | brook | derive, rival, rivulet |
rosa | ros- | rose | rosaceous, rosary |
rota | rot- | wheel | rotary, rotation |
ruber | rubr- | red | erubescent, rubric |
rūdis | rūd- | rude | rudimentary |
ruga | rug- | wrinkle | corrugate, rugose |
rūs | rūr- | countryside, farm | rural, rustic |
sacer | sacr- | sacred | sacrifice, sacristy |
saepes | saep- | hedge | septum |
sal | sal- | salt | salary, salinity |
sanguis | sanguin- | blood | consanguineous, sanguine |
sanus | san- | sound | insanity, sanatorium |
semen | semin- | seed | disseminate, semen, seminal, seminar, seminary |
semis | semi- | half | semicolon, semiconductor, semiconscious, seminatural |
senex | sen- | old man | senator, senility, senior |
seni | sen- | six each | senary |
septem | sept- | seven | septangular, septemvir, septennial |
septeni | septen- | seven each | septenary |
sex | sex- | six | sexangular, sexavalent, sexennial |
sexageni | sexagen- | sixty each | sexagenarian, sexagenary |
sexagesimus | sexagesim- | sixtieth | sexagesimal |
sextus | sext- | sixth | bissextile, Sext, sextan, sextans, sextic, sextile |
sibilus | sibil- | hiss | sibilant |
siccus | sicc- | dry | desiccant, desiccation |
sidus | sider- | constellation | consider, sidereal |
silva | silv- | forest | silvan, silviculture |
similis | simil- | like | similar, verisimilitude |
sincerus | sincer- | sincerity | |
singulus | singul- | one each | singularity |
sinister | sinistr- | left | sinister, sinistral |
sinus | sinu- | curve | sinuous |
sol | sol- | sun | insolate, solar, soliform |
solum | sol- | bottom | insole, sole |
solus | sol- | alone, only | sole, solitary, solitude, solo |
somnus | somn- | sleep | insomnia, somnolent |
sonus | son- | sound | absonant, assonance, consonant, dissonance, resonance, sonorant, sonority |
sopor | sopor- | deep sleep | sopor, soporific |
soror | soror- | sister | sororal, sororate, sororicide, sorority |
spes | sper- | hope | desperate |
spina | spin- | thorn | spinal, spinescent, spiniferous, spiniform |
squama | squam- | scale | squamate, squamella, squamiform, squamose, squamous |
stria | stri- | furrow | striation, striature |
strix | strig- | owl | strigine |
suavis | suav- | sweet | suave |
sucus succus |
succ- | juice | succulent |
sulcus | sulc- | furrow | sulcal, sulcate, sulciform |
tardus | tard- | slow | retard, tardy |
tempus | tempor- | time | contemporaneous, temporal, temporary |
tenuis | tenu- | thin | attenuate, extenuating, tenuous |
terminus | termin- | boundary | interminable, terminal, terminative |
terni | tern- | three each | ternary, ternion |
terra | terr- | dry land | terrace, terracotta, terrain, terrestrial, extraterrestrial, territory |
tertius | terti- | third | Terce, tertial, tertian, tertiary, tertiate |
testis | test- | witness | intestate, testament, testimony |
totus | tot- | all, whole | totality |
tres | tri- | three | triangle, triceps, triennial |
tricae | tric- | tricks | extricate |
turba | turb- | disturbance, turbidity, turbine | |
umbra | umbr- | shade, shadow | adumbration, penumbra, umbrella |
uncia | unci- | twelfth | ounce, quincuncial, uncial |
unda | und- | wave | abundant, inundate, redundant, undulate |
unus | un- | one | coadunate, unary, unate, uniformity, union |
urbs | urb- | city | suburb, urban |
ursus | urs- | bear | ursine |
vacuus | vacu- | empty | vacuous, vacuum |
vagus | vag- | wandering | vagile, vague |
vallum | vall- | rampart | vallate |
vanus | van- | empty, vain | vanity |
varius | vari- | varying | variable, variety, various |
vas | vas- | vessel | vasal, vase |
vastus | vast- | empty | devastate, vastitude |
vehiculum | vehicul- | wagon | vehicle, vehicular |
velox | veloc- | quick, swift | velocity |
velum | vel- | sail, veil | velamen, velar, velate |
vena | ven- | vein | venation, venous, venule |
venter | ventr- | belly | ventral, ventricle |
ventus | vent- | wind | ventilator |
venum | ven- | venality | |
venus | vener- | desire | venerable, venereal |
verbum | verb- | word | adverb, proverbial, verbal, verbatim, verbose |
vermis | verm- | worm | vermian, vermicelli, vermicular, vermiculite, vermiform |
vernus | vern- | spring | vernal |
vērus | ver- | true | veracious, veracity, verify, veritable, verity |
vesper | vesper- | evening | vespertine |
vestigium | vestig- | trace, track | vestigial |
vestis | vest- | clothing | vest, vestment, vesture |
vetus | veter- | old | veteran |
via | vi- | way | devious, obvious, trivial, viaduct, vialis |
vicis | vic- | change | vicarious, vicissitude |
vicus | vic- | vicinal, vicinity | |
vigesimus | vigesim- | twentieth | septemvigesimal, vigesimal |
vilis | vil- | cheap, vile | revile, vilify |
vīlla | vill- | country house | villa, village |
vinum | vin- | wine | viniculture |
vir | vir- | man (masculine) | triumvirate, virile, virility, virtue |
virga | virg- | rod, twig | virgate, virgule |
viscus | viscer- | internal organ | eviscerate, visceral |
vita | vit- | life | vital, vitality |
vitium | viti- | vice, vicious, vitiate | |
vitrum | vitr- | glass | vitreous, vitriol |
vola | vol- | palm | volar |
vox | voc- | voice | advocate, vocal, vocative, vociferous |
vulgus | vulg- | crowd | vulgar, vulgarity, vulgate |
vulnus | vulner- | wound | vulnerable, vulnerose |
vulpēs | vulp- | fox | vulpicide, vulpine |
In some Latin verbs, a preposition caused a vowel change in the root of the verb. For example, "capiō" prefixed with "in" becomes "incipio".
Latin verbs | |||||
Citation form | Present stem | Perfect stem | Participial stem | Meaning | English derivatives |
aceō | ac- | acu- | – | be sour | acid |
agō -igō |
ag- -ig- |
eg- | āct- | act, drive | action, actual, actuary, agenda, agency, agent, agility, agitate, ambiguous, castigate, coagment, coagulate, cogent, cogitate, exact, exigent, fumigate, indefatigable, intransigent, litigate, mitigate, navigate, purgatory, purge, redact, retroactive, variegate |
alō | al- -ol- -ul- |
alu- | alit- alt- |
nourish | adolescent, adult, alimentary, alimony, alma mater, alumnus, coalesce, coalition |
ambulō | ambul- | ambulav- | ambulat- | walk | amble, ambulance, ambulatory, preamble |
amō | am- | amav- | amat- | like, love | amateur, enamor |
appello | appell- | appellav- | appellat- | call, address | appeal, appellant, appellate, appellation |
apō | ap- api- epi- |
ap- | apt- -ept- |
fasten | adapt, apt, inept |
ardeō | ard- | ars- | ars- | be on fire | ardent, ardor |
areō | ar- | – | – | be dry | arid |
arguō | argu- | argu- | argut- | argue, argument | |
audeō | aud- | aus- | - | be bold, dare | |
audiō | aud- | audiv- | audit- | hear | audible, audition, auditorium |
augeō | aug- | aux- | auct- | increase | auction, augmentation, augmentative |
aveō | av- | - | avarice, avid | ||
bibō | bib- | bib- | bibit- | drink | bibulous, imbibe |
cadō -cidō |
cad- -cid- |
cecid- | cas- | fall | accident, cadence, case, decadent, deciduous, incident, recidivous |
caedō | caed- -cid- |
cecid- | caes- -cis- |
cut | caesura, concise, decision, excise, incision, precise, succise |
caleō | cal- | calu- | - | be warm | calid, calor, calorie |
canō | can- -cin- |
cecin- | cant- -cent- |
sing | cantata, canticle, cantor, cantus, incantation, recant |
capiō -cipiō |
cap- | cep- -cip- |
capt- -cept- |
take | accept, capable, capacity, caption, captious, captive, capture, concept, deception, except, incipient, intercept, recipe, recipient, receptacle, reception |
careō | car- | caru- | carit- | lack | charity, precarious |
carpō -cerpō |
carp- -cerp- |
carps- | carpt- -cerpt- |
pick, pluck | carpe diem, excerpt |
caveō | cav- | cav- | caut- | beware | caution, caveat, precaution |
cēdō | cēd- | cess- | cess- | yield, depart | abscess, accede, concede, decedent, excessive, intercede, precede, precession, précis, recede, recession, secession |
cēlō -culō |
cēl- -cul- |
celav- | celat- -cult- |
hide | conceal, occult |
cenō | cen- | cenav- | cenat- | dine | |
cernō | cern- | crev- | cret- | separate, sift | discern, discrete, excretion, secretion |
cieō | ci- | civ- | cit- | excitement, incite | |
cingō | cing- | cinx- | cinct- | encircle, gird | cincture, succinct |
clāmō | clām- | clāmāv- | clāmāt- | call | acclamation, clamor, exclaim, proclamation |
claudō -clūdō |
claud- -clūd- |
claus- | claus- -clūs- |
close | clause, conclude, exclusive, occlusion, preclude |
clinō | clin- | clinav- | clinat- | lean | decline, inclination, recline |
cogitō | cogit- | cogitav- | cogitat- | think, ponder | cogitate |
colligō | collig- | colleg- | collect- | collect | collect |
colō | col- cul- |
colu- | colt- cult- |
colony, cultivate, culture | |
cōnor | con- | conat- | – | try | conation |
coquō | coqu- | cox- | coct- | cook | coctile, concoct, decoction, precocious |
consulō | consul- | consulu- | consult- | consult | consult, counsel |
creō | cre- | - | creat- | make | creation, creature |
crescō | cresc- | - | cret- | grow | accretion, crescendo, crescent, decrease |
cubō | cub- | cubu- | cubat- | lie | concubinage, incubator, succubus |
-cumbō | -cumb- | -cubu- | -cubit- | lie | incumbent, recumbence, succumb |
cupiō | cup- | cupiv- | cupit- | desire | cupidity |
currō | curr- | cucurr- | curs- | run | course, current, cursive, cursor, discourse, occurrence, recursion |
dicō | dic- | dicav- | dicat- | dedicate, predicate | |
dicō | dic- | dix- | dict- | say | diction, edict, prediction |
dō | d- | ded- -did- |
dat- -dit- |
give | addendum, dative, editor, perdition, redditive, tradition |
doceō | doc- | docu- | doct- | teach | doctor, doctrine, document |
doleō | dol- | dolui | dolit- | grieve | dolor, condolence |
dormiō | dorm- | dormiv- | dormit- | sleep | dormitory |
dubitō | dubit- | dubitav- | dubitat- | doubt | indubitable |
ducō | duc- | dux- | duct- | lead | abductor, conductor, deduce, deductible, deduction, duct, educe, reduction |
edō | ed- | ed- | es- | eat | edible, esculent |
emō -imō |
em- -im- |
em- | empt- | buy | exempt, preemptive, redeem, redemption |
eō | e- | i- | it- | go | ambient, ambit, ambition, coitus, exit, obituary, preterite, sedition, transit |
errō | err- | errav- | errat- | stray | errant, erratic, erratum |
faciō -ficiō |
fac- -fic- |
fec- -fic- |
fact- -fect- |
make | confect, confectionery, deficient, difficulty, effective, efficiency, facile, fact, faction, factious, factory, factual, faculty, infection, office, official, perfection, perfective, prefecture, proficient, semelfactive |
fallō | fall- | fefell- | fals- | fallacy, falsity | |
faveō | fav- | favu- | favit- | favor | |
fendō | fend- | - | fens- | defend, fence, offensive | |
ferō | fer- | tul- | lāt- | bear, bring | ablative, allative, conifer, correlation, difference, delative, elative, fertile, fertility, illative, inference, interfere, lative, perlative, preference, prolate, prolative, refer, reference, referendum, relate, sublative, superlative, transfer, translation |
ferveō | ferv- | - | - | fervid, fervor | |
fīgō | fīg- | fīx- | fix- | fix | affix, crucifixion, fixure, suffix |
findō | find- | fid- | fiss- | cleave, split | bifid, fissile, fission, fissure, fistula |
fingō | fing- | finx- | fict- | fashion, invent | fiction, fictive, figment |
fiō | fi- | – | – | be made | fiat |
flectō | flect- | flex- | flex- | bend | deflect, flexible, flexure, inflection, reflex |
fligō | flig- | flix- | flict- | strike | affliction, conflict, inflict, profligate |
flō | fl- | flav- | flat- | blow | conflate, flatulence, inflate, soufflé, sufflate |
fluō | flu- | flux- | flux- | flow | affluent, confluence, effluent, flume, influx |
fodiō | fod- | fod- | foss- | dig | fossil |
for | f- | fat– | – | say, speak | affable, fabulous, fame, fate, ineffable, infamy, infant |
frangō -fringō |
frang- -fring- |
freg- | fract- | break | diffract, fractal, fraction, fracture, fragile, fragment, infringe, suffrage |
fricō | fric- | fricu- | frict- | rub | fricative, friction |
frigeō | frig- | - | - | be cold | frigid |
frigō | frig- | frix- | frict- | parch | |
fruor | fru- | fruct- | – | enjoy | |
fugiō | fug- | fug- | fugit- | flee | fugitive, refugee |
fundō | fund- | fūd- | fūs- | pour | confound, effusive, fusion, profusion, refund |
fungor | fung- | funct- | – | do | defunct, fungible, function |
gaudeō | gaud- | - | gavis- | rejoice | |
gerō | ger- | gess- | gest- | carry | agger, congestion, digestion, gerund, gestation, gesture, ingest, suggest |
gradior -gredior |
gradi- -gredi- |
gress- -gress- |
– | step | egress, gradient, ingredient, progressive, transgression |
gustō | gust- | gustav- | gustat- | taste | gustation, gustatory |
habeō -hibeō |
habe- -hibe- |
habu- | habit- -hibit- |
have | exhibit, habitual, inhibitory, prohibitive, rehabilitation |
haereō | haer- | haes- | haes- | cling, stick | adhere, cohesion, hesitation |
halō | hal- -hel- |
halav- | halat- | breathe | exhale, inhalation |
hauriō | hauri- | haus- | haust- | draw | exhaust |
hiō | hi- | hiav- | hiat- | gape | hiatal, hiatus |
iaceō | iac- | iacu- | jacit- | be thrown, lie | adjacent |
iaciō -iciō |
iac- | iec- (j)ic- |
jact- -ject- |
throw | abject, conjecture, ejector, inject, objective, projectile, reject |
irascor | irasc- | irat- | – | be angry | irascible, irate |
labor | lab- | laps- | – | slide, slip | collapse, elapse, labile, prolapse, relapse |
laciō -liciō |
lac- -lic- |
-licu- | – -lect- |
lure | delicious, elicit, illicit |
laedō -lidō |
laed- -lid- |
laes- -lis- |
laes- -lis- |
hurt | collide, elision, lesion |
langueō | langu- | - | - | languid, languish, languor | |
laudō | laud- | laudav- | laudat- | praise | laud, laudable, laudatory |
lavō | lav- | lav- | laut-, lot- | wash | lavatory, loment, lotion, loture |
lēgō | lēg- | legav- | legat- | send | allege, delegate, relegation |
legō -ligō |
leg- -lig- |
leg- | lect- | choose, gather, read | collect, diligence, election, eligible, lecture, legend, legible, neglect, negligence, selective |
leō | l- | - | let- -lit- |
deletion, indelible | |
libō | lib- | libav- | libat- | pour | libation |
libō | lib- | - | libit- | please | libido |
ligō | lig- | ligav- | ligat- | bind | ligament, ligature, obligation |
linquō | linqu- | liqu- | lict- | abandon | delinquent, derelict, relinquish, reliquary |
liveō | liv- | - | – | livid, livor | |
locō | loc- | locav- | locat- | place, put | allocate, location |
loquor | loqu- | locut- | – | speak | circumlocution, colloquial, eloquence, grandiloquent, interlocutory |
luceō | luc- | lux- | – | be light, shine | lucent, pellucid |
luctor | luct- | luctat- | – | wrestle | reluctance |
lūdō | lūd- | lūs- | lūs- | play | allusion, collude, illusion, ludicrous |
luō | lu- | lu- | lut- | wash | dilute, elution, pollution |
maneō | man- | mans- | mans- | stay | immanent, mansion, permanent, remain |
mānō | mān- | manav- | manat- | flow | emanation |
meō | me- | meav- | meat- | go, pass | permeate |
mergō | merg- | mers- | mers- | dip | emerge, immerse |
migrō | migr- | migrav- | migrat- | emigrate, immigrant, migration | |
minuō | minu- | minu- | minut- | lessen | diminuendo, diminution, diminutive |
misceō | misc- | miscu- | mixt- | mix | admixture, miscible, mixture |
mittō | mitt- | mīs- | miss- | send | commissure, commit, manumission, missile, missive |
molō | mol- | molu- | molit- | grind | demolition, emolument, molar |
moneō | mon- | monu- | monit- | warn | admonition, monitor, premonition |
monstrō | monstr- | monstrav- | monstrat- | demonstrate | |
moveō | mov- | mov- | mot- | move | demotion, commotion, emotion, motile, motion, motive, motor, move, promotion |
narrō | narr- | narrav- | narrat- | tell | narrative, narrator |
nascor | nasc- | nat- gnat- |
– | be born | agnate, cognate, innate, nascent, natal, nation, native, nature, prenatal, supernatural |
natō | nat- | natav- | natat- | float, swim | natatorium |
necō | nec- | necav- | necat- | kill | enecate |
nectō | nect- | nexu- | nex- | join, tie | annex, connect, nexus |
nōscō -gnōscō |
nōsc- -gnōsc- |
nosc- | nōt- -gnōt-, -gnit- |
know | cognitive, ignoble, nobility, notable, notice, notion |
nuntiō | nunt- | nuntiav- | nuntiat- | bring news of, announce | announce, renunciation |
nutriō | nutr- | nutriv- | nutrit- | nourish | nutrient, nutriment, nutrition, nutritious |
ōdi | od- | - | – | hate | odious, odium |
oleō | ol- | olu- | - | smell | olid, redolent |
optō | opt- | optav- | optat- | choose | adopt, opt |
orior | ori- | ort– | – | rise | abort, orient |
orō | or- | orav- | orat- | speak | orator, perorate |
palleō | pall- | pallu- | - | be pale | pallid, pallor |
pangō -pingō |
pang- -ping- |
pepig- | pact- | fasten | compact, impact, impingement |
pareō | par- | paru- | parit- | be ready | apparent, apparition, disparition, transparent |
pareō | par- | paru- | parit- | obey | parent, parenthood |
pariō | par- -per- |
peper- | part- -pert- |
biparous, parent, vivipary | |
parō | par- | parav- | parat- | make ready | disparate, prepare, reparation, separate |
pascō | pasc- | pav- | past- | feed | pastor, pasture, repast |
pateō | pat- | patu- | – | be open | patent |
patior | pat- | pass- | – | endure | compatible, passive, patient |
paviō | pav- | paviv- | pavit- | beat | pavement |
pellō | pell- | pepul- | puls- | push | compel, depulsion, propel, repulsion |
pendeō | pend- | pepend- | – | be hanging, hang | dependent, pending, pensile, propensity |
pendō | pend- | pepend- | pens- | weigh | compendium, dispense, expend, pension, pensive, suspense |
perior | per- | - | – | experience, experiment, peril | |
petō | pet- | petiv- | petit- | seek, attack | appetite, compete, impetus, petulant, repetition |
pingō | ping- | pinx- | pict- | paint | depict, picture, pigment |
placeō -pliceō |
plac- -plic- |
placu- | placit- -plicit- |
please | complacent, placid |
placō | plac- | placav- | placat- | implacable, placate | |
plangō | plang- | planx- | planct- | plangent | |
plaudō -plodō |
plaud- -plod- |
plaus- | plaus- -plos- |
clap | applaud, explode, plaudit, plausible |
plectō | plect- | plex- | plex- | plait | complexity, perplex |
pleō | ple- | plev- | plet- | fill | completion, deplete, implement, plenary, plenitude, plenum, replete, supplement, suppletion |
plicō | plic- | plicav- | plicat- | fold | complicate, duplication, multiplicand, replicate |
plōrō | plor- | plorav- | plorat- | deplore, implore | |
poliō | pol- | poliv- | polit- | smoothen | interpolate, polish, polite |
pōnō | pōn- | posu- | posit- | put | component, composite, depositor, juxtaposition, postpone, repository |
portō | port- | portav- | portat- | carry | comport, deportation, export, import, portable, portage, transport, transportation |
potō | pot- | potav- | potat- | drink | potable, potion |
precor | prec- | precat- | – | pray | deprecate, precarious |
prehendō | prehend- prend- |
prehend- | prehens- prens- |
grasp | apprehension, comprehend, prehensile, reprehensible |
premō -primō |
prem- -prim- |
press- | press- | press, push | imprimatur, oppress, pressure, repression, reprimand |
pugnō | pugn- | pugnav- | pugnat- | fight | impugn, pugnacious, repugnant |
pungō | pung- | pupug- | punct- | prick | puncture, pungent |
putō | put- | putav- | putat- | prune, think | amputation, compute, deputy, dispute, impute, putative, reputable, reputation |
quaerō -quirō |
quaer- -quir- |
quaesiv- | quaesit- -quisit- |
search, seek | acquisition, inquire, inquisitive, perquisite, query |
quatiō -cutiō |
quat- -cut- |
- | quass- -cuss- |
shake | concussion, decussation, percussion |
radō | rad- | ras- | ras- | scrape, shave | abrade, erasure |
ranceō | ranc- | - | - | be rotten | rancid, rancor |
rapiō -ripiō |
rap- -rip- |
rapu- | rapt- -rept- |
rapacious, rape, rapidity, rapt, raptor, rapture, surreptitious | |
recordor | record- | recor- | recordat- | remember, recall | record |
regō -rigō |
reg- -rig- |
rex- | rect- | keep straight | correction, director, dirigible, incorrigible, rectitude, resurrection |
repō | rep- | reps- | rept- | crawl, creep | reptile |
rideō | ride- | ris- | ris- | laugh, smile | derision, ridiculous, risible |
rigeō | rig- | – | – | be stiff | rigid, rigor |
rodō | rod- | ros- | ros- | gnaw | corrode, erosion, rodent |
rogō | rog- | rogav- | rogat- | ask | abrogate, derogatory, interrogation |
rumpō | rump- | rup- | rupt- | break, burst | abrupt, corrupt, disrupt, eruption, interrupt, rupture |
saliō -siliō |
sal- -sil- |
salu- -silu- |
salt- | jump | assail, assault, resilient, salient |
saltō | salt- -sult- |
saltav- | saltat- -sultat- |
desultory, exult, result | |
scandō -scendō |
scand- -scend- |
scand- | scans- -scens- |
climb | ascend, condescension, descent, scansion, transcendental |
scīō | sci- | sciv- | scit- | know | conscience, nescience, plebiscite, prescient, science |
scrībō | scrīb- | scrips- | scrīpt- | write | describe, prescription, scripture, scribble, transcribe |
secō | sec- | secu- | sect- | cut | bisect, dissection, intersect, intersectionality, secant, sectile, section, sector, segment, trisectrix, vivisection |
sedeō -sideō |
sede- -side- |
sed- | sess- | sit | dissident, insidious, obsession, presidium, reside, sedentary, sediment, sessile, session, subside, supersede |
sedō | sed- | sedav- | sedat- | sedative | |
sentiō | senti- | sens- | sens- | feel | assent, consensus, dissent, sentence, sentient, sentiment |
sequor | sequ- | secut- sum | – | follow | consecutive, persecute, prosecutive, sequence, sequent, subsequent |
serō | ser- | seru- | sert- | desert, insertion, series | |
serpō | serp- | serps- | serpt- | crawl | serpent |
serviō | serv- | serviv- | servit- | serve | servile, servitude |
servō | serv- | servav- | servat- | save | conservation, observant, preserve |
sistō | sist- | stet- | stat- | cause to stand | consistent, insist, persist, subsist |
solvō | solv- | solv- | solut- | loosen | absolutive, absolve, dissolve, resolve, soluble, solution, solvent |
sordeō | sord- | sordu- | - | be dirty | sordid |
speciō -spiciō |
spec- -spic- |
spex- | spect- | look | aspect, conspicuous, inspector, introspection, respect, specimen, specious |
spirō | spir- | spirav- | spirat- | breathe | aspiration, inspire, respiration |
splendeō | splend- | splendu- | - | splendid, splendor | |
squaleō | squal- | squalu- | - | squalid, squalor | |
statuō -stituō |
statu- -stitu- |
statu- -stitu- |
statut- -stitut- |
cause to stand | constituent, destitute, institution, restitution, statuary |
staurō | staur- | staurav- | staurat- | instauration, restaurant, restoration | |
sternō | stern- | strav- | strat- | spread, strew | prostrate, stratum, substratum |
stō | st- | stet- | stat- | stand | constant, distance, extant, instant, reinstatement, stable, stamen, stamina, staminal, stance, stanchion, state, stationary, stative, stature, status, stet |
stringō | string- | strinx- | strict- | squeeze | astringent, restriction, stricture |
struō | stru- | strux- | struct- | construe, destruction, instruct, instrumental, superstructure | |
studeō | stud- | studu- | - | student, studious | |
stupeō | stup- | stupu- | - | be stunned | stupid, stupor |
suadeō | suad- | suas- | suas- | dissuade, persuasion | |
sum | es- | fu- | futur- | be | absent, adessive, antessive, essence, essential, essive, exessive, future, inessive, present, subessive |
sūmō | sum- | sumps- | sumpt- | take | assume, consumption, presumptive, resume, subsume |
suō | su- | su- | sūt- | sew | assument, suture |
taceō | tac- -tic- |
tacu- | tacit- | keep silent | reticent, tacit |
tangō -tingō |
tang- -ting- |
tetig- -tig- |
tact- | touch | contact, contingent, intact, integral, pertingent, tactile, tangent, tangible |
tegō | teg- | tex- | tect- | cover | detect, integument, protect |
tendō | tend- | tetend- | tens- | stretch | extend, intense, portend, tendency, tendentious, tension, tensure |
teneō -tineō |
ten- -tin- |
tenu- -tinu- |
tent- | have, hold | abstinence, content, continent, detention, discontent, maintain, malcontent, retain, retinue, sustain, tenet, tenor |
tergeō | terg- | ters- | ters- | wipe | detergent, terse |
terō | ter- | triv- | trit- | rub, wear | attrition, contrite, detritivore, detritus |
texō | tex- | texu- | text- | weave | context, pretext, subtext, textile, texture |
timeō | tim- | timu- | – | be afraid | timidity, timorous |
tinniō | tinn- | tinniv- | tinnit- | ring | tinnitus |
torqueō | torqu- | tors- | tort- | twist | contort, extortion, torque, torture |
torreō | torr- | torru- | tost- | torrent, torrid | |
trahō | trah- | trax- | tract- | drag, draw | abstract, detract, distract, extract, protractor, retract, subtrahend, traction |
tueor | tu- | tut-, tuit- | – | intuitive, tuition, tutelage, tutor | |
tumeō | tum- | tumu- | - | be swollen | tumescent, tumid, tumor |
turgeō | turg- | - | - | turgid | |
umeō | um- | - | - | be moist | humidity |
urō | ur- | uss- | ust- | burn | adustion, urn |
utor | ut- | us- | – | use | use, usufruct, usure, usurp, usury, utility |
vacō | vac- | vacav- | vacat- | be empty | vacant, vacation |
vadō | vad- | vas- | vas- | go | evade, invasion, pervasive |
valeō | val- | valu- | valit- | be strong | ambivalent, prevalent, valence, valid, valor |
vehō | veh- | vex- | vect- | carry | convection, convex, inveigh, vector, vehicle |
vellō | vell- | vuls- | vuls- | convulse, revulsion | |
veniō | ven- | ven- | vent- | come | advent, adventist, adventure, contravene, convene, convent, convention, eventual, intervention, prevention, provenience, venture |
vertō | vert- | vert- | vers- | turn | adverse, averse, controversy, convertible, extrovert, incontrovertible, inversion, reverse, revert, subversive, versicle, version |
videō | vidē- | vid- | vīs- | see | evidence, improvise, invisible, provident, proviso, video, visage, vision, visor, televise, advice, |
vidō | vid- | vis- | vis- | dividend, individual, divisor | |
vincō | vinc- | vic- | vict- | conquer, win | convince, eviction, victory |
vivō | viv- | vix- | vict- | live | revive, survivor, victim, vivacity, vivid |
vocō | voc- | vocav- | vocat- | call | convocation, provocative |
volō | vol- | volav- | volat- | fly | volatile |
volō | vell- | volu- | – | wish | benevolent, malevolent, volition, voluntary |
volvō | volv- | volv- | volūt- | roll | convolution, evolve, revolution |
vorō | vor- | vorav- | vorat- | swallow | carnivore, devour, voracious |
voveō | vov- | vov- | vot- | vow | devotion, votive |
Latin prepositions and other words | ||
Word | Meaning | Prefixes |
ā, ab | away from | ab-, a-, abs-, as- |
ad | to, toward | ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, ar- |
aequus | equal | equi- |
ambo | both | ambi-, amb- |
ante | before | ante-, anti- |
bis | twice | bi-, bis- |
circum | around | circum- |
cis | this side of | cis- |
contrā | against, opposite to | contra-, contro- |
cum | together, with | con-, co-, col-, com-, cor- |
dē | down from | de- |
dexter | right, to the right hand | dextro- |
dis- | apart | dis-, di-, dif-, dir- |
ex, ē | from, out of | ex-, e-, ef- |
extrā | outside | extra- |
in | in, into | in-, il-, im-, ir- |
īnfrā | below | infra- |
inter | among, between | inter-, intel- |
intrā | within | intra-, intro- |
iuxtā | beside | juxta- |
malus | bad | mal- |
multus | much, many | multi- |
non | not | non- |
ob, obs | toward, against, in the way of, by reason of | ob-, oc-, of-, op- |
paene | almost | pen- |
per | thorough, through | per- |
post | after, behind | post- |
prae | before | pre- |
praeter | by, past | preter- |
prō | for, in front of | pro-, por-, prod- |
(re) | again, back | re-, red- |
retro | backwards | retro- |
sē | apart, without | se-, sed- |
sub | from below, under, up to, close to | sub-, su-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sus- |
subter | beneath | subter- |
super | above, over | super- |
suprā | above, more than | supra- |
trāns | across | trans-, tra-, tran- |
ultrā | beyond | ultra- |